Last Last, it’s the first last day of graduate school ;)

August 29, 2022 — The last first day of graduate school and I feel a lot of things at the same time (very familiar feeling). My boss and mentor over the summer asked me if I was ready for the semester and I answered “as ready as I can be”. I didn’t realize it at the moment but that was a response with a lot of weight (ok, maybe not a lot) but whether or not I’m ready the last leg of this marathon, the starting pistol has been fired. The growth so far has been unbelievable. It’s truly amazing what you can achieve in the uncomfortable with a curious mind.

One of the things I’ve grown to be aware of are the feelings of fear and anxiety. I’m not oblivious to those lurking emotions; I overcame them last year and I know I will this year.

My response is to speak life and light when dread rears it head and so I wrote before the first day of classes:

I am graced for this
Because God is with me
Indeed, He is within me
With God, I can scale a wall
I have the capacity to take this on

When I feel overwhelmed, I will rest
When I feel tangled, I will seek help
When I feel afraid, I will praise

I will be focused
I will put in my very best
And I will succeed in everything I do
By God’s grace

This applies to every student or anyone starting something new; to say it over yourself as much as you need to and for every time you forget ‘why’ you are doing this — whatever “this” is to you.

We got this— stay curious, stay humble and have courage!


Ready to be ::


. . .lest I forget whose I am and ‘my why’.