Ready to be ::

🎇 Welcome to 2023!

Ushering in the new year was exciting followed by question marks. I sort of froze after looking at what the year is potentially pregnant with. Now the thing with potential is that it is unrealized; it hasn’t happened yet and will not happen except I will/work it out. I acknowledged the presence of this emotion, my fear of uncertainty and MOVED on. For instance, I announced Paintmilk even though I didn’t have all the strategy mapped out (still don’t); I have to move past the fear and begin.

Now, by nature I think I’m quite impulsive so I live life sometimes in #cruisecontrol🏄🏾‍♀️ and just let life happen or more recently let my feelings take the steering wheel. However as I’ve skimmed through my goals for this year and prayed over the things I want to achieve, the Holy Spirit ministered to me through Galatians 5 that we need to work on balance aka self-control.

16 So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh. 17 For the flesh desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the flesh. They are in conflict with each other, so that you are not to do whatever you want. 18 But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the law. — Galatians 5:16-18

⚖️ Balance is required to reach our goals while maintaining our sanity and soul. So again, welcome to 2023 — powered by the Holy Spirit and discipline. I gave myself 2 weeks before diving into work in order to reflect the last year and really mean everything I wrote down for this year because it easy to dream and make a list of goals but I needed them to be meaningful and realistic.

Finally, I am back in Pittsburgh. Today is the 1st day of my last semester in grad school! Let’s get this mastersssssss! Oh and that’s X2! #doublemasters

🚀 Your girl is ready for the next phase of life. God had been preparing me and we are ready! I’m ready. To be established. To begin the final semester of grad school. To graduate. To begin my career as an innovator. To be a thought leader. To run Paintmilk. To take care of my body and visit my doctors (I’ve been avoiding it #traumatichospitalexperience). To regularly do Pilates. To eat better, rest better and do life better. To travel. To share art & design. To launch the Paintmilk shop. To foster my relationships with family & friends. To enjoy being God’s baby girl. To be balanced. To be led by the Spirit of God.

I’m ready for a bountiful harvest. #everythingnadoubledouble🌾

“Many painters are afraid in front of the blank canvas, but the blank canvas is afraid of the real, passionate painter who dares and who has broken the spell of ‘you can't once and for all’.” - Vincent Van Gogh

signing out,



“I have prayed for you…that your faith may not fail”. Unpacking twenty-twenty two….finally.


Last Last, it’s the first last day of graduate school ;)