The grandiose of purpose is in the little things; the little steps.
Read below.
I wrote this a while ago trying to unravel and process how I felt at the moment:
through life’s highs and lows; mountains and valleys I find that there are phases of life’s journey where you actually don’t know; you are aware that you are made for a purpose but you don’t know what it is
or maybe you do know, you have gotten the vision for life; how great!
many times people are focused on the grandiose of purpose -
but fail to recognize and live the minute (extremely small) yet most important purpose of being a daughter, sister, friend, colleague, part of a community/communities, child of God….(in my case)
many times I feel like there’s a undefined race everyone is on but with no rules on the pace
so we find many depressed, anxious and questioning it all on this race where there’s no set pace
sometimes I wonder “where or what you are racing to, why you are racing with an unhealthy pace?, do you know what the finish line looks like if there is one?”
many times I pray for settlement but is anything on earth settled?
only thing I know is settled is God’s word and in it says “be still and know that I am God”
if His word says be still,
why does life still seem chaotic, perhaps I’ve been doing things my way, thinking, hoping and convincing myself it’s his way/will
not realizing that my settlement is where He is!
the sound of the invisible clock, plunging many into things there are not ready for, perhaps made for but not prepared for
is my momentum aligned with God? remember momentum has magnitude and direction?
instead of following the sound of the the invisible clock, or running a race without momentum
how about I just take every waking day as the Lord gives, appreciate the daily bread God has provided, follow the one that leads me beside quiet waters and causes me to lay in green pastures, and give the pen to the author and finisher of my faith
it’s so easy to write this but living it out…..
not many people can live like this
some people just need to know & plan for everything and that’s not necessarily bad but the proverbs say “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.”
Proverbs 16:9 NIV
the Lord establishes our STEPS
…steps that sometimes do not go according to the way we planned
so I’ll follow the direction of His steps and time will reveal its course
-gbemi, 9/3/2021